Are you looking for a job at one of the top Engineering College in India. Here is a job notification of National Institute of Technology Calicut. NITC conducts Walk in interview for recruiting Lab Assistants. Attend Walk in interview on 19th December - 31st December for this jobs.
Notification No. P1/434/Adhoc/TS/2013 dated 10th December, 2014
National Institute of Technology Calicut requires Assistants in Lab, Computer Centre and Workshop
National Institute of Technology proposes to prepare a panel of qualified and experienced persons for engaging them on purely adhoc basis in various Departments/Schools for assisting in the Laboratories, Computer Centre and Workshop etc. This engagement will be purely on contract basis and will carry a consolidated pay of Rs.10, 000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) for Diploma holders and Rs.8,000/-(Rupees Eight Thousand Only) for ITI holders per month.Notification No. P1/434/Adhoc/TS/2013 dated 10th December, 2014
- Architecture :
Computer Centre : 2 Nos
Qualification : Diploma in Computer Engg. with 1 year experience.
Laboratory : 2 nos
Qualification : Diploma/ITI in Architecture/Civil Engg. with 1 year experience in Auto-CAD
Walk in interview on 19-12-2014, at 09.30 a.m
- Bio Technology : 2 nos
Qualification : M.Sc /M.Tech
Walk in interview on 19-12-2014, at 02.00 p.m
- Civil Engineering : 10 nos
Qualification : Degree/Diploma in Civil Engg./Electronics Engg./ Computer Engg.
Walk in interview on 22-12-2014, at 09.30 a.m
- Chemical Engineering : 8 nos
Qualification : Diploma in Chemical Engg.
Computer Centre : 1 Nos
Qualification : Diploma in Computer Science
Walk in interview on 22-12-2014, at 02.00 p.m
- Computer Science and Engg. : 18 nos
Qualification : BTech/3 years Diploma in Computer Science &Engg./Information Technology. Minimum one year experience preferable
Walk in interview on 23-12-2014, at 09.30 a.m
- Mathematics : 2 nos
Qualification : Diploma in Computer Engg.
Walk in interview on 23-12-2014, at 02.00 p.m
- Electronics and Communication Engg : 6 nos
Qualification : Electronics Engg. -Diploma in Electronics
Computer Centre : 1 Nos
Qualification : Computer Engg. – Diploma in Computer
Walk in interview on 24-12-2014, at 09.30 a.m
- Nano Science : 1 nos
Qualification : B.Sc/MSc in Chemistry/ Physics or Diploma in electronics
Walk in interview on 24-12-2014, at 2 p.m
- Electrical & Electronics Engg : 11 nos
Qualification : Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 1st class
Computer Centre : 1 Nos
Qualification : Diploma in Computer Science & Engg. with 1st class
Walk in interview on 29-12-2014, at 09.30 a.m
- Management Studies : 2 nos
Qualification : First class B.Tech in Computer Science or Diploma in Computer Science with adequate knowledge in Computer Networking and administration. Previous work experience
Walk in interview on 29-12-2014, at 2 p.m
- Mechanical Engg. : 13 nos
Qualification : Diploma in Mechanical Engg with first class
Electronics : 1 nos - Diploma in Electronics with first class
ITI(Sheet metal , Carpentry, Heat engines Smithy) - 7 nos
Walk in interview on 30-12-2014, at 09.30 am
- Physics : 6 nos
Qualification : B.Sc/M.Sc in Physics
PG/PG Diploma in Electronics/Computer Application or equivalent with B.Sc in Physics/Electronics/Computer Application - 1 no
Walk in interview on 31-12-2014, at 09.30 a.m
- Chemistry : 6 nos
Qualification : M.Sc
B.Tech/Diploma in ECE/CSE - 1 no
Walk in interview on 31-12-2014, at 2 p.m